Butter starring Jennifer Garner, Yara Shahidi, Ty Burrell, Olivia Wilde, Alicia Silverstone, Rob Corddry and Hugh Jackman. Who woulda thunk a movie about Butter would be this good??? Ok so everyone loves eating butter. But this movie had the sweet and savory taste of it. Hands down to Jennifer Garner who played a tight-ass republican bitch living in Iowa. She plays your typical suburban white woman who makes all the stereotypes you can imagine about minorities and poor people. I really believed in her character. Then you have Ty Burrell who plays her dick-less husband who is can only satisfy himself by going to a stripper, played by Olivia Wilde. Ms. Wilde did a great job playing her stripper/prostitute role, but sadly there is only a 5 min scene of her porno. I think the movie would have done better if they kept her only for that scene. I guess you needed her for the dark humor. But honestly, I think they kept Ms. Wilde around just to have this lesbian scene so we can keep our male audience happy that they paid $13 to come see this movie that they really didnt want to see rather it was to make their so-called girlfriend happy.

The movie is centered around the Iowa State Butter Sculpting Competition where Jennifer Gardner feels entitled to win through the efforts of her husband. But this year, the judges suggest her husband to retire from competing since he’s been winning for the last 15 years. Jennifer goes bozonkers and decides to enter the competition herself. There is some serious entitlement issues here. Of course, that is how the movie monologue opens. Jennifer opens us to this monologue in the beginning of the movie displaying what all republicans are campaigning – we are proud Americans, who work hard, and did it by our own efforts. blah blah blah! But on the contrary, Jennifer who gives this monologue displays the opposite attitude and feels that she is entitled to the world and that everyone should do as she says. Then you have this little 10 year old black little girl named Destiny, played by Yara Shahidi, who is a foster child and is bounced around from one foster home to another. She is part of our system of entitlement benefits as she has to live in foster homes or stay at child service agencies when these foster homes goes shit-bricks. But her attitude is far from entitled. She humbly accepts her situation and just hopes one day to see her mom again.  Long story short in the Butter Sculpting competition Yara goes up against Jennifer.

I really like this movie because if you pay attention to the sarcastic humor you realize that the director, Jim Field Smith, is really trying to say:  this world is not based on your efforts or my efforts. You cant keep counting and ticking off who did what to make this country a better place. Each of us are woven into this society and affect each other in some shape or form. We are not separate entities because we are simply human beings that make an impact on everyone. No one is entitled to anything more than their next door neighbor. We are all equal and have the same rights. How ironic that this movie is coming out just before election day?

This is a definite must see movie. If not for its underlying political agenda, at least go watch for Yara Shahidi’s absolute child cuteness and those awesome Butter sculptures.

Good night and good luck!

Asian American Fob gives Butter – 4 Thumbs up. Now… Lets whip up some of that Butter  — Yeehawww!