Of course this Asian girl needs to review some Asian films too. It is not all about American summer blockbusters. Sadly, summer is coming to an end.  If you ever watched any Cantonese/Hong Kong movies, you will usually  find the same stream of thought – police/detective story with the supposedly protagonist character becoming the antagonist. Confession of Pain’s dominant factor was the role playing between Takeshi Kaneshiro and Tony Leung.  You can’t go wrong with these two person’s acting. Phenomenal!!! Ok so maybe I’m a bit late in watching this film.  It was done back in 2006. But it’s never too late to give my audience some suggested movies to stream from youtube. Please go ahead and enjoy. This is a definite must see. Dont worry, there is english subtitles on youtube.

Confession of Pain gives us this dark outlook to the inner thoughts of a human being. We cant fully understand a person and the reasons for their decisions. We can only accept their decision because they have their own logical reasons. But as their friend/family, can we still support everything this person does even if it crosses the line of your moral judgment?

Tony plays a detective who marries Susan, daughter of a former Macau drug dealer. Takeshi plays a private eye who is also best friends with Tony. Susan’s father gets murdered and of course early in the movie we see the murderer is Tony Leung. So why did he kill his father-in-law? Was it for money? Revenge? Drug secrets? Takeshi is hired by Susan to find out the real death of her father. I dont want to spoil the movie for you, so I’ll stop here about the plot.

The movie is absolutely well done. The very beginning of the film we see a suicide and that’s how it ends as well (2 different suicides). The cinematography is set in dark tones and the characters are deeply developed. The storyline is intricate and well-thought out through the lens of a murderer. So how do I feel about this movie? Love it!

If you want to feel cultured and watch an international film and read subtitles, then this movie is a must watch tonight. Just warning you, it is a slow storyline. So you need to be patient and let the story play out.  Maybe this Asian is a bit bias, but I love Tony Leung’s stoic acting and his ability to control emotions. As for Takeshi – he’s just freaking HOT!  Inter-racial people are always hot. Yes, that’s right. He is a mix of Japanese and Chinese. Some people may not think that’s inter-racial, but for us Asian peepz, that IS considered a mix. Chinese and Japanese  ARE NOT the same!

This Asian American Fob is giving Confession of Pain 5 thumbs up!!!