Archives for posts with tag: Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Recently Ive been obsessed with the new show called, New Girl,featuring Zooey Deschanel.

new girlI literally spent one day watching the entire Season 1 just so I can watch Season 2 with some logic. Not that you need much logic to follow what is going on between these 4 roommates. The show revolves around Zooey Deschanel’s character, Jessica Day aka Jess. Ok, so I love her character just because of her name. Not that my name is Jessica (actually its Jessie – so pretty close). But, I love it when people call me Jess. Which then leads me to today’s review of 500 Days of Summer. I remember watching 500 Days of Summer when it first came out in 2009. Yeah that was awhile back.  Zooey Deschanel plays Summer and Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays Tom. Its a flashback of Tom’s memories about his relationship with Summer. From the first day they met till they meet again a year after their break-up and Summer is married to some other dude. That’s the 500 days of Summer. That’s 1.36 years. That’s a lot of time spent on a person who doesnt love you and ends up marrying someone else. I admit, I do that too. You cant help it. You constantly wonder and playback every scene. Each scene you wish you could have done something different. Because just maybe, with a tad bit of hope, that if you had just done something slightly different you and that person will still be together today. But I think that was the whole point of the movie. Tom basically relives every dating scene he has with Summer. Finally, when he sees Summer again and knows that she is married, he wonders. Why not me? Great quotes from the movie:

500_days_of_summer02Summer: You weren’t wrong, Tom. You were just wrong about me

Then Tom goes on to question her about what made her get married, because he always thought she didnt want to get married.

Summer: I just….just woke up one day and I knew.

Tom: Knew what?

Summer: What I was never sure of with you. 

Ah!!! Talk about a heart-wretching moment. I could feel Tom’s tears forced to be held back from breaking free. Because the reality of broken relationships is that you think you had control over it and that’s why you replay each moment thinking you could have changed something to have a different outcome. But the truth is that no matter what you do, the outcome would have been the same. Because both of you just werent right for each other.  If doubt ever creeps into someone’s mind, the relationship is ultimately over. Doubt trumps everything. That’s what causes all those fears and anxieties about whether this person is right for you. Summer always had doubts from the beginning, but Tom just ignored the signs of it. In the end though, we realize that these broken relationships were actually for the better. Because it makes us learn more about ourselves. It changes us to be better. It makes us more aware that whatever we do, never let doubt creep into a relationship. That’s the ultimate love and romance killer!  

This movie moves at a fairly slow pace, but the dialogue is great and I really love the intense moments of seeing what a person goes through after a break-up. Gosh, I can totally relate to that. Who doesnt replay every damn moment. There’s hoping & wishing  that this was just all a dream and when you wake up you will be lying next to that person again. But then you wake up and see its just you.

Asian American Fob gives this movie 4 thumbs up. Good Night and good luck!

Oh and just in case I dont get back to you before Dec 25 and Jan 1. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Hope you will find that special someone waiting for you under the mistletoe!


Is it me or does Christian Bale‘s voice get raspier at each new Batman movie that follows? I was barely able to understand what each character was saying due to the overload of IMAX theater surround sound, the heavy artillery gun shootings in the movie, extreme dramatic music and the freakish masks on every actor’s face. I could have watched this movie in Farsi and it would mean the same to me. Ok, Farsi is Persian – an Iranian Language. If you didnt know what Farsi was. By the way, I ended up watching this movie twice to really understand what the characters were actually saying. Conclusion: Christopher Nolan did another great job at creating a extreme evil antagonist with this conflicting morality.  Every character in this movie had this flowing theme, that we are human and none of us are perfect. We strive to be good but due to circumstances and survival we make choices that lead to negative consequences. Mr. Nolan tries to plug in some socio-economic justice issues about income disparity but ultimately cant really complete that task. The end just became an extreme case of Occupy Wall 3.0. A quote by catwoman aka Anne Hathaway would say in the movie, “There’s a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you’re all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.” Basically, this line is giving us Mr. Nolan’s ultimate message. Unfortunately, his evil character Bane, played by Tom Hardy, doesn’t really show concern for “the people”. There really isn’t any social morality to Bane for  his distaste of Gotham City. Rather, in the end we find it was all for a woman. Now isnt that a typical reason for anything a man does? It’s to impress a woman.

I have to admit the new Batman gadgets really was awesome to watch. It got hotter when Catwoman sat on the Bat-motorcycle aka Batpod.  Check it out! I wanna look that cool!

I love that the Batpod was able to switch it up and make all these flipping turns. Even if I didn’t understand anything the actors were saying, at least I got to enjoy the latest technology. Honestly, I think what made this movie for me was Anna Hathaway. Truthfully, I dont really enjoy watching Hathaway’s movies. But I have to admit, she plays a really freaking hot and spicy Catwoman. The fact that she can stretch her legs as high upto a 5′ 10″ man’s face wearing 4-inch heels is AWESOME!  Hathaway plays Catwoman perfectly. She has this internal conflict between doing good and doing what’s necessary to survive. Isnt that the truth in all of us?  I guess I really like Catwoman because I identified with her. Basically, Catwoman betrays Batman 2x in the movie. She is willing to do anything for self preservation and to erase to her past. Yeah, dont we all want to do that.

Then you have Christian Bale playing Batman. He’s plays the same role as usual. This sad, morbid, and dark person who cant face the world because of his hopelessness towards mankind. This character is played out too much and its getting old. Sometimes, I just want to see a happy Batman.  Yeah, it wouldnt hurt to have Christian Bale break a smile. This Batman is sadistic and has no fear of death. We later find Christian Bale in some hellhole trying to break free by climbing out of this hellhole. The only way he does it is by learning to fear death again. I dont understand much of Batman’s character. Maybe because I never experienced such hopelessness. But for all you hopeless people out there, dont lose hope, because Batman didnt.

The rest of the actors you can figure out. I dont want to spoil the ending for you, but beware of all the different characters in the movie because the real villian isnt Bane. Oh and as for Joseph Gordon-Levitt, I really liked his wannabe Irish/Bostonian accent.  Between Gordon-Levitt’s accent and the NYC skyline, I wasnt sure if Gotham City was suppose to be New York City or Boston.

For a summer blockbuster, I guess this is as good as it gets now a days. This Asian American Fob is giving Dark Knight Rises: 4 thumbs up. That’s only because Hathaway kicked-ass!