natural-born-lovers-2012-3 A Chinese/Hong Kong movie made with Julian Cheung (Cheung Chi-Lam) and Annie Liu. I have to admit this movie was really stupid. But stupid enough for me to write this review. So does that make me stupid? I guess so. Well, I rather think I’m just stupid for love. This movie really had no substance except depicting two people who fall madly in love. Somehow they had this strong connection once they met each other and that was it. So why am I writing this? Because as stupid as this movie was, it did show something very true about relationships. When you are in a relationship, you simply go crazy. You are not yourself. You can be an exceptional person whether at work, towards your friends, and even towards your family. But when it comes to the one you fall in love with, there is just no explanation as to why you do the things you do. I guess that’s just called Love! And so for this week’s special Valentines, I present to you “Natural Born Lovers”(scroll to the bottom of the link for the trailer).

In the beginning of the movie, Julian and Annie meet as Annie and her boyfriend is breaking. Julian witnesses the break-up and it peaks his curiosity. Of course, he walks away from the horrible break-up scene to go about his usual life. Of course, Julian begins to have these coincidental encounters to Annie. Soon enough, the chemistry begins and before you know it, these two lovers are in love. But of course, like all relationships, problems arise. Annie becomes possessive and crazy. She wants to know everything and everywhere Julian does and goes. Julian begins to feel suffocated and harassed. But he also cant seem to get enough of Annie. He likes the feeling of being missed and needed. The feeling that he’s important to someone. But Annie’s madness doesnt stop and soon, Julian has no choice but to break it off. Annie is unable to accept this reality. She is too in love with Julian that even after the break-up she continues to stalk him. Of course Im not going to tell you the ending and what happens. You will have to watch it for yourself.

But when I was watching this movie, I felt so empathetic to Annie. She wasnt crazy, she was in love. That is exactly what people in love do. You want to be with that person every waking minute of your life. You live and breathe just to be with him. You cant stop these feelings. You are so afraid to lose him that you dont even know that you are suffocating his personal space. Its because each of us struggle to really know how to love a person. What does it mean to love someone? It so hard to know what is right or wrong when it comes to love. You just know that everything you do and say is to please him and make him happy. But what you dont realize is that everything you do is JUST about him. You begin to lose your sense of self. All the logic goes out the window. There’s a part that is really true of couples. Julian is walking into a restaurant to meet Annie. When he goes into the restaurant he sees Annie but her image is always blurry. He cant seem to see her clearly. As Julian opens the restaurant door to approach Annie, the whole room goes blurry except Julian is in clear focus. All Annie sees is Julian, nothing else in the restaurant exists. When a man falls in love, he will never see clearly who he’s in love with. She will always be a blurry mystery. When a woman is in love, the man is her total focus and all else is blurry. Ah so true! Love – its all so intense but absolutely amazing to feel! You cant live without it. Its what makes us feel vibrant and alive – Falling in Love! So for this Valentine, go watch Natural Born Lovers and share your madness with the one you love!

This Asian American Fob gives this movie 3 thumbs up:
